New routes, Echo Bay
For all routes not shown on this page, refer to the guide book “Revelstoke Rocks”.
Owl Wall
LC Loving Cup ****
5.10d # 13 SPORT 2p
Established, FFA: Douglas Sproul, May 2018
Location: Left Owl Wall
Route: Start at the lowest point on the Owl Wall, at a right-hand side of a buttress.
Pitch 1 (5.10c 24m): A less difficult start leads to a ledge. From there, climb a first overhang into the first difficult section. This leads to the above corner and arête. Belay in an alcove.
Pitch 2 (5.10d 16m): From the belay climb a short overhang to the above fun and steep face climbing. This pitch increases in difficulty as you get higher, hard and somewhat committing for its grade.
Descent: Rappel the route, 2 pitches (16m / 24m)