MacPherson Crag
For all routes not shown on this page, refer to the guide book “Revelstoke Rocks”.
The MacPherson Crag is located directly beside one of Revelstoke’s popular mountain bilking trails in the MacPherson area. This crag has all easy sport routes and is ideal for sport climbers in search of shorter and easier routes.
It is important to respect the presence of mountain bikers. These enthusiasts have been in the area prior to the development the MacPerson Crag climbing area. In respect towards all mountain bikers, it is appreciated that climbers follow the following rules:
- No dogs in this area.
- Keep the bike trail for the mountain bikers, do not hang out in the trail.
- No Shaketown / Drive – In climber’s parties, maintain a low profile.
How To Get There
From the turnoff at the Trans Canada Highway onto Highway 23 South, west of Revelstoke (traffic light), drive along Highway 23 South for 5.3 km to the Griffith Creek Forest Service Road turn off. Follow this forest road for 200 meters, to the parking area on to of the first hill.
Walk to the southeast corner of the parking area. From there follow the mountain bike trail for 50 meters, to a branch-off. At the branch-off take the trail leading to the right, for 70 meters, to the MacPherson Crag.
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