Grags – Hardman Bluffs

Hardman Bluffs

For all routes not shown on this page, refer to the guide book “Revelstoke Rocks”.

The Hardman Bluffs are located at elevation 1350 meter, approximately 34 km south of Revelstoke on Highway 23S. This area formed by solid gneiss similar to the rock found at the Victor Lake wall. The routes range from 30 meter to 60 meter in height. The Hardman Bluffs have been discovered by Manuela Arnold, Nic Williams, and Ryan Williams in the summer of 2011. The best time to climbe in this area is from June to October.

How to get there

  • From the intersection Hwy 1 West and Hwy 23 South (west of Revelstoke), drive 26.5 km South, to the turn-off Hardman Forest Service Road (3.2km past Blanket Creek Bridge). Follow the Hardman Forest Service Road for 0.8 km, to the first forest road junction.
  • There follow the road to the right and drive for 2.8 km to the next Y junction. There follow the road to the left.
  • Keep driving to 4.1 km, where you have to stay left again.
  • Drive to the next road junction at 5.4 km and once more stay left.
  • Keep driving to the end of the road at 7.0 km. This is where you can park the car.

How to get there and Routes

Please refer to the guide book Revelstoke Rocks.

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Hardman Bluffs: Crags & new routes, Revelstoke rock climbing

Walk to the Hardman Bluffs

From the parked car walk approximately 100 meters down the road, to a Skidder Road, branching off to the right (South). Follow this Skidder road and the following trail (flagging tape) to the upper rim of the Harman Bluffs. Approximately 15 minutes from the parked car.

A few steps before you reach a perfect vista point with a grand view over the lower valley and the Arrow Lake you come to a gully leading steep down-hill to the left, to below the Hardman Bluffs. From below the steep approach gully keep following the trail and fix ropes in the direction southeast and south to the base of the various climbs.

From North to South, the first wall you come to is the Singles Wall, then the Utopia Wall, followed by the Widowmaker Wall and then the Visions Wall.

Hardman Bluffs: Crags & new routes, Revelstoke rock climbing