New Routes – Hardman Bluffs

For all routes not shown on this page, refer to the guide book “Revelstoke Rocks”.

Hardman Bluffs - Visions Wall

LP  Larry’s Party   ***

5.10d  # 12   SPORT  2 p
Established: Manuela Arnold, May 2019
FFA: Manuela Arnold, Ryan Williams, May 2019

Pitch 1 (5.10b 25m): Start immediately to the right of Quarter Century Boy, climb up an easy ramp to overhanging jugs. First belay on a ledge, after the overhanging jugs.

Pitch 2 (5.10d 25m): From the belay climb straight up the black streaked rock, consistent technical face climbing on small crimps

A) Rappel the route to the base of the Visions Wall (25m / 25m).

B) B) Walk off, following the trail that is located above the Hardman Bluffs.

Widowmaker Wall

HL  Highlead   ***

5.12d  # 13 + SS 2  SPORT  2 p
Established/FFA: Ryan Williams, May 2019

Pitch 1 Pitch 1 (5.12d 32m): Start to the right of Widowmaker. Climb up through steep ledges, to a high first bolt. Now climb through white rock on crimps to an obvious roof. Exit the roof on small crimps (5.12d) and after, climb up an easier slab (run-out). Climb a second roof on small crimps, to a black dihedral (5.12c).

Pitch 2 (5.10d 22m): The second pitch consists of small jugs and crimps, up a whitish face.

A) Rappel the route to the base of the Widowmaker Wall (20m / 32m).

B) Walk off, following the trail that is located above the Hardman Bluffs.

Utopia Wall Right

EE   East of Eden   ****

5.12b  # 16 + SS 1  SPORT  35m
Established: Ryan Williams, June 2019
FFA: Manuela Arnold, September 2019

Route: The best 5.12 pitch at Hardman Bluffs. Climb up the easy runout slabs to a small roof. Enjoy this amazing pitch of consistent 5.11+ and 5.12- climbing.

Descent: Lowering or rappelling this pitch requires a “full” 70 metre rope. With the rope stretch you will make the ground. To avoid an accident, it is important to make knots on the end of the rope, if rappelling or lowering.